kasia szczerbinski, esq.

attorney. innovator. francophile.

Word on the street is that you're looking for a speaker for your next event. You're looking for someone to educate and motivate. Someone to keep your audience on their toes so they can jump up and really let their business soar.

Good news. I'm here to tell you that I'm your girl.

I'll let you be the jury, but I think that I've got this one in the bag.

give 'em the ole razzle-dazzle.


here's the story

Everyone is always looking for the next new thing. You're looking for fresh and fearless and a maybe even a little fanciful. So, try something new on - let the lawyer talk creative.

You have the right to remain skeptical. But you know that your audience doesn't want to hear the same old spiels they heard at the last conference. 

No matter what type of business you run, legal issues are going to arise. Way too many entrepreneurs put off seeking legal counsel because of what comes to mind when they think of attorneys. There's a reason why everyone thought Shakespeare was cool when he said to kill all the lawyers. 

So, let's change the conversation.

Avoiding problems never actually prevents problems. I want to break the lawyer-weirdness barrier to show people how to empower themselves by taking on and owning their legal landscapes.


here's the lineup

Maximizing the Potential For Happy: How Setting Out Clear Expectations Today Can Save Your Sanity Tomorrow.

It's hard when you fail to adhere to a client's expectations, and failing to catch the "I do" for a photographer is devastating enough without that client being dissatisfied in your services. From issuing refunds to providing additional services for free and beyond, trying to make things right again with a client can get overwhelming fast. Fortunately, some of these problems can be headed off before they even arise. The most effective way to stop problems from happening tomorrow is to think about it today. We will work together to discover what kinds of situations entrepreneurs can run into, understand what the real problem is, and prepare to either minimize or avoid that problem altogether. We'll do this by examining the most common areas where issues arise and discuss problem-solving strategies. 



here's the hook

Looking for my 100 word bio? Try this on for size:

Kasia Szczerbinski is an attorney at law based out of Chicago. She is freshly licensed with her own side hustle, Joyeux Juridique, which focuses on drafting plain English agreements that her clients can actually understand and finding the joy in legal services. Kasia is no stranger to drafting - she's had experience drafting legislation at the county and state levels, she served as a pediatric lawyer in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations courts, and she's an ALTA-certified French Legal Language translator. More recently, she's been published in places such as the Children's Legal Rights Journal and on The LawTog's blog. 

Looking for my headshot? Feel free to grab one of these as needed: one, two, three. Just make sure to credit Verdigris Photography & Design whenever and wherever you can.